This past Friday I was able to go home for the weekend -it was very relaxed and wonderful to be with family. Sadly though, yesterday I had to return to Arlington because I had work at 11:30. Since the weather has been so bad these past few days I was hoping I would get off work early...I mean, who comes to Braum's when it is cold outside? Lots of people.
So, to my dismay I did not get to go home early, and on top of this great sadness the 'Creeper' returned for a visit with one of his little buddies. The 'Creeper' is a middle aged man whom is a frequent customer to my Braum's who totally freaks me out. Yesterday he showed up around his usual time (about 1:00 p.m.) and to my displeasure I was assigned to take orders. Yay! Before I continue you (whoever you are) might be wondering what qualifies this man as a creeper -how about a few examples:
Example 1:
This is the first time I met Creeper.
One day several months ago I was asked to sweep the lobby while someone else was taking orders. At this time our Braum's was pretty busy so people who had already ordered where standing at the front of the store (away from the counter) waiting for their orders. I at this time was sweeping near the front doors, minding mine own business -thoughts consumed with who knows what when 'Creeper' first made his presence known. He turned to me, "You working hard?"
This is a very normal question (and somewhat irritating) to be asked by people so I looked up and smiled, "Yes sir."
He nodded his head and smiled, and turned away. I continued to sweep, thinking our conversation was over. "Hey, is that one Mexican girl working here today? I can't remember her name..." I looked over at him confused (I was pretty new at this point so my mind was blank on who he was talking about). "You know, she's more of a heavy you know her name?"
Finally remembering who he was talking about I shook my head, "No, she's not here today."
He nodded his head, "I can't seem to remember her name."
I am not one for lying, but there was no way I was going to tell him her name (I wasn't exactly sure of her name either, but I was 75% sure it was Maria), something about him seemed really off. "I'm newer here so I don't know everyone very well." I answered. I turned and continued to sweep thinking our conversation was done with but he spoke up again.
"Oh, well whatever her name is, she lives in those apartments down there (he was pointing in some direction), I don't know her very well but she lives there."
Okay...weird, but maybe he is just one of those socially awkward people.
"Oh okay," I didn't even bother looking up, hoping he would get the point that I really had no interest in talking with him. Luckily before he could say anything else his number was called, and I continued sweeping.
About fifteen minutes later I was sweeping where the tables were in the middle section -the section where he was sitting. I kept my head down, and made sure not to make any eye-contact. Right when I was getting done with the section I heard my name called out. I turned around and looked towards the kitchen, but saw no one there. I shrugged it off and went to put the broom and dustpan away and then went around picking up the dirty trays sitting on top of the trash bins. By this time Creeper was done with his meal and throwing his away, he looked at me and smiled.
"Are you working hard theJu (obviously he used my real name)?" My heart literally stopped when I heard this, but I just looked up at him and smiled, "Yes sir, I am."
Let me stop right here -you might think; why would that be weird? He could have just read my name tag, but my name had come off of my tag almost a month prior. It could have been very possible that he just remembered my name, but I had never seen him before. Thinking about it later on someone could have just old him my name...but why would he ask for it or want to know it? Completely weirded out by what had happened I made sure to carefully watch him so I could know which car was his...I wasn't taking any chances. After I got off work that day I looked around to make sure I didn't see his car, and even while driving I frequently checked in my review mirror...I did not want him knowing where I lived.
Example 2:
Many times since my first incident he has come in, and each time he has brought in a different person. Almost every single time that I have been there he has brought in a female at last twenty years younger than him. I am not one for listening in on other people's conversations; I don't like invading people's I have become pretty good at tuning people out.
This rule of mine does not apply to him.
Anytime he is in Braum's and I have to be near him I always make sure to listen in on his conversations. From what I have noticed by observing and listening is that it seems like he doesn't really know any of these girls. It almost seems as if he randomly picks them up off the street and asks them if they want to have lunch with him. Also, all the girls I have seen with him seem to have some sort of mental disability. I've tried to reason with myself -maybe he's just a really nice person, and works with people with special needs. No matter how hard I try to convince myself that I am overreacting I just can't.
So every time I see him with a girl I say a silent prayer for them.
Example 3:
This example does not come from an encounter with him, but I feel it proves that I am not completely overreacting. Last Friday when I was working drive/sundae bar I heard my manager say something to another employee. "The weird guy is here." Automatically I looked over the top of the sundae area and not to my surprise Creeper was walking up to the counter. I then walked up to my manager, "So I'm not the only one who thought that?"
She shook her head, "He gives me the creeps...he's probably some serial killer/ rapist...but I'm going to be nice today."
So yesterday he walked into Braum's and I again was at the front counter. This time he brought another guy with him (who was with him when example 3 happened). After he had placed his order I asked, "can I get anything else for you sir?" He just smiled and stared at me for a second, but then laughed as he shook his head.
"Nah, no...I'm good."
This sent major chills down my back...I can't wait until I leave Braum's.